
Engineered a ChatGPT-based project to emulate Jarvis from Iron Man, showcasing proficiency in AI integration to create an interactive and intelligent virtual assistant.

Used: Python

Drone Recon

Developed a simulation program for drone communication, enabling land surveying and establishing a database-integrated portal for storage and review of drone-generated data.

Used: Java, JavaScript


Designed a program that facilitates transactions, manages remote node messages, generates Merkle trees and roots, and creates Blockchain Blocks via the Proof of Work algorithm.

Used: Java

NBA Trends

Leveraged advanced analytical skills to dissect NBA data, conducting thorough comparisons of forecasted win probabilities, point differentials, game point totals, and other key metrics.

Used: Python, HTML

Merkle Madness

Assembled a timing game to establish the correct order of hashes in a Merkle tree.

Used: Java

Calculator Android App

Developed an Android app that performs basic operators (add, subtract, multiply, divide) on two numbers.

Used: Java

Rock Paper Scissors Android App

Developed a responsive Rock-Paper-Scissors Android app for a mobile gaming experience between two players.

Used: Java, Kotlin, XML

Sockets Communication App

Constructed a two-way communication app that allows two clients to message simultaneously while connected to each other, demonstrating proficiency in system architecture and networking.

Used: Java

Transportation Routing System

Developed a transportation routing system.

Used: Java

Figma Product Page Prototype

Designed a Figma prototype to showcase a fictional clothing product.

Used: Figma

Tableua Airbnb Seattle Data Visualization

Developed an interactive Tableau dashboard to analyze and visualize Seattle Airbnb prices, providing insights into pricing trends and influencing factors using CSV data.

Used: Tableau